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14 June, 2022

Digital Marketing Trends You Just Have To Know About – Part 2


Continuing from previously stated trends that would up the digital marketing game, here are a few more that will seriously play quite the role should you want your brand to really be engaging with customers and bringing in new demographics and clients. 

  1. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Rather than manually relying to customers one at a time, using chatbots cuts the time in half and effectively provides a swift reply which is what customers want. Make sure these chatbots sound as natural and conversational as possible and you’re good to go.


  1. User-Generated Content (UGC): This content is generated keeping the user in mind and it is in fact created by customers who wish to present their support and interest in brands. By publishing, posting and sharing images, reviews and videos of the brand being consumed, one is essentially creating user-generated content. The more customers that produce user-generated content, the stronger the credibility is of the brand. As will the SEO which in turn would increase online presence and improve rankings on search engines. Think about it for a second…you are literally posting content where customers are vouching for your products and doing the marketing for you. It doesn’t get better than that!
  2. Content Marketing: Although this isn’t ‘new’, it is still vital for digital marketing. Whether this creation is through videos, blogs, or social media posts, this content is what allows for customers to remain engaged and persuades them to interact and act as well. Some things to bear in mind though are to determine target audience, effectively use language, include events that are recent and disseminate facts accurately. 


  1. Mobile-First Design: Mobile media time, unsurprisingly, has upped massively over the course of the past few years. More than computers or tablets, it is mobiles that are used to source the internet. Make sure your website’s user experience is anything but poor since it’ll cost you potential customers and sales


